9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You & Your Child - paperback

9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You & Your Child - paperback


Many Parents are waking up to the fact that parenting is not about controlling their children, but about empowering themselves and their children. 9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You & Your Child is about turning power struggles into powerful relationships. It is about raising children who are full of spirit and life, and about teaching them to be caring human beings.

Maggie Reigh teaches that parenting is a matter of the heart. Combining profound insights with practical ideas, Reigh shows parents how to raise respectful, responsible, and resilient children, and at the same time, add more life and laughter to their children's lives and their own.

For every parent who recognizes parenting as an important job, this book offers 9 valuable chapters on raising children who are respectful, responsible and resilient. Combining profound insights with practical ideas, this book will show parents how to encourage children to develop the courage to discover their own strengths and offer their gifts to others. The book is full of stories and examples that bring parenting tools and concepts to life.

Review excerpt: "This is a book that could revolutionize both the way we treat children in our homes and schools, and the way children accept and put into practice taking responsibility for their own actions. It's a book that makes me want to stand up and cheer on just about every page...Marnie Agnew, KUCA News, Editor

“Written with both simple logic and soaring imagination, it is a graceful new approach to the age old world of parenting. The book is a refreshing look at possibilities of achieving self improvement in the midst of attempting to improve our children and our relationships with them. 

As a mom, I have had the opportunity to read several books on parenting. Many are helpful, but it is often hard to swallow some of the less than practical information.

With Maggie’s book, I was filled with a, first ever, excitement that made the book almost impossible to put down. It was delightfully honest, extremely practical and always inspiring. Maggie’s humble, honest approach to helping parents really enjoy the journey of parenting was a delight.” Michele Houlihan

9 Ways is written for parents but any teacher or worker with children could benefit hugely from reading it. This is a book that could revolutionize both the way we treat children in our homes and schools, and the way children accept and put into practice taking responsibility for their own actions. It’s a book that makes me want to stand up and cheer on just about every page.

Maggie Reigh takes the view that parenting is not about controlling children and exercising power over them, but about empowering both parent and child.  It’s about turning power struggles into powerful relationships, about creating rather than reacting, by shifting our perceptions and asking and listening rather than judging and correcting.


  1. The Way of Mutual Respect; Cracking the Old Parenting Mold

  2. The Way of Mutual Empowerment; Turning Power Struggles into Powerful Relationships

  3. The Way of Emotional Grounding; Dealing with Feelings- Yours and Your Child’s

  4. The Way of Communication; Developing Meaningful Communication

  5. The Way of Vision; Bringing Your Values to Life

  6. The Way of Encouragement; Raising Resilient, Self-Motivated & Responsible Individuals

  7. The Way of Living Harmoniously with Others; Helping Kids Get Along

  8. The Way of Loving Discipline; Providing Guidance in a Context of Love, Respect, and Responsibility

  9. The Way of Parenting with Spirit; Honouring the Highest Good in Yourself & Your Child & Embracing Delight.

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