How to Stop Letting Fear Stop You


With my mind spinning out of control, feeling stuck in confusion and fearful of making any decision and carrying it out, I open A Course in Miracles and this text this pops right out at me:   

“Fear is a certain indicator that you have put your trust in yourself.”

What? I thought that was where I was supposed to put my trust. I reread, “Fear is a certain indicator that you have put your trust in yourself.” Well who am I supposed to trust? ... Oh! My God I got it! I was working so hard to take control of the situation and to trust the decision that I was trying to make that I got lost inside the tunnels of my own mind.

How can I truly trust myself or who I think I am - to deal with all future possibilities?  Who I think I am is limited simply by thinking and defining it.  How, then, am I to trust that I can deal with the unlimited possibilities of what may arise?

Only an Unlimited Being can deal with whatever arises.  I have been focusing on connecting with my Eternal Self for a very long time.  We know there is an eternal unlimited force that moves through everything. Einstein articulated it well,

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

Call it God, call it the universe, call it Presence, call it Energy, call it Divine Light… But call It to you, especially when you are fearful and confused. Luckily, I have been practicing this.  I know that it only takes a moment to connect with that unlimited energy within  right now.  Try it for yourself:

  1. Turn your attention within. Close your eyes and focus.

  2. Breathe deeply…right into your belly. If you want to release emotional build up from anxiety, fear, anger, overwhelm emphasize the outbreath… perhaps even let your breath out with open mouthed sigh. Allow your body to release tension. Imagine it moving like a wave from the top of your head through the tip of your toes.

  3. Place three fingers vertically right in the center or your chest at armpit level. Allow them to wiggle into the grooves you find there. This is a powerful acupressure point. Simply hold and breathe, allowing fingers to sink in gently.

  4. Now notice the energy running throughout your body. Sense into that eternal stream of energy. Relax into it. Rest in it. Choose to trust It … right here, right now… in this moment.

 As you open your eyes keep some of your attention inside, sensing this eternal energy. Feel and listen within and do what you feel prompted to do.