From Fear to Opportunity


Is fear broadcasting throughout your world these days? Is the news about the Coronavirus shooting shrapnel from your television screen?  Worry thoughts swirling dizzily around in your head? Does panic erupt from the uncertainty? Are your children picking up on underlying fears and anxiety?

I know I’ve certainly felt waves of panic and anxiety flowing through me. I’m grateful to have tools and skills to release fear and embrace more elevated emotions. That’s what I want to share with you here.

The first step is to shift our mindset from panic to possibility.  The two Chinese characters that make up the word “crisis” translate into “dangerous” and “opportunity.” Dangerous because if we get lost in the fear we will stay in the swirling anxiety that is so prevalent right now. 

Despite the prevalence of anxiety in the air, there is an enormous opportunity right now - and that is to rise above the fear that has been dominating much of society. There is also the opportunity to establish an elevated way of living - not just today, but for the rest of our lives!  As more people embrace powerful love-based emotions such as gratitude, joy, peace and harmony, we shift the overall energy of our planet and pave the way for an era of peace on Earth.

I recently learned that one of the most enlightened times recorded in Earth’s history, the Renaissance, was spawned by the Black Plague!  Indeed, crisis creates a dangerous opportunity: Will we let this take us down, or will we rise above it?

The choice is ours.

Tools for Transformation

In order to rise above, we’ll need tools that can transmute the fears and move us from victims to powerful creators. Here’s our toolbox to get there:

1. Turn off all distractions and turn attention within. Feel into your body:

  1. Breathe.  Feel the breath moving.  Breathe deeper. (Do this and take a break often to experience it deeper as you readl) Exhale that pent up energy with an audible sigh… and NOTICE how that feels in the body and do it again.  Aaaaaahhhhh!

  2. Let uncomfortable energy release into the Earth as you plant both feet on the ground and press your middle finger into your upper lip 1/3 of the way down from your nose (a major grounding point for the body). Inhale deeply, then let your breath out in a sigh again: hhhaaaaaaa! Feel and envision any negative energy leaving your body and draining into the Earth. 

  3. Focus in your heart center.  Breathe in calm… breathe into your heart center as if you had your own central sun there. As you release, feel the radiance and warmth of loving, peaceful energy flowing through your chest.

    Keep breathing rhythmically, easily, and gently, balancing the amount of time given to the inhale and exhale. Feel the relaxation. Draw the breath into your heart center. Intend to draw in calm and radiate peace through every cell on the exhale. Love, peace, calm and safety - right here, right now. Notice: at this moment you ARE okay!

  4. What you can feel you can heal; what you resist persists. Get curious now and notice again how you feel: is that anxiety, stress, or fear still there? Or has something else come up? Appreciate all improvements and they will continue to grow! When you go into the body to feel what’s happening, the negative feelings will begin dissipating because you are now allowing them to move as you allow yourself to feel them. Resisting the feeling makes muscles contract around the emotions, ultimately holding onto them and trapping them inside your body.

  5. Repressing emotions is like holding a beach ball under water and hoping to settle the waters on the surface as we search desperately for something to save us. This keeps us helpless and in victim mode. By moving our attention into these sensations and breathing into them, we can feel them soften and release! As soon as we notice we can affect the sensations, we move into the position of creator. We are now coming from a powerful position, and our fear will subside.

  6. Many of us have been taught to look for solutions outside ourselves to quell our fears. Yet, when we search frantically for a solution, all we do is generate more fear, because a fearful state will magnetize fearful ideas.

2. Soothe your emotional, physical and mental body even more as you put one hand over your heart and the other over your belly with your thumb hooked into your belly button.  Stay focused and breathe calmly and rhythmically. Keep shining infinite love from your heart center and feel it soothing your whole body, especially your solar plexus and belly.

Stop resisting and accept what is here and now. This is easier said than done, I know – it takes practice. This puts you in a position of power, and balances your nervous system so that you are ready to take purposeful, positive action at the optimum time. When your body is in fight or flight mode, you are weakening your immune system, and unable to think clearly. Pull up your strength and be here now! Breathe and get centered in your body.

Take a few minutes to breathe in this position and then change your hands around with the opposite hand on the heart and belly. Breathe.

Note: Don’t give up if difficult emotions stubbornly keep creeping in! Some emotions have deep roots that may require extra help to release.*

3. Stop focusing on what is breaking down and focus instead on the love and possibilities that are breaking through. Think about a car crash: if you focus on it, studies show you will drive right into it! Focus instead on where you want to go.

 We have been riding this earth into destruction and the Coronavirus has thrown a giant wrench into those engines. We are all feeling the reverberations of the sudden stop. Do you REALLY want to keep going the way we were going?  Or do you want to create a better future for yourself and generations to come? 

Everything is created in Consciousness.  Everything was an idea before it manifested into physicality. What New Earth do YOU dream of creating? How would you love your family life to be? When you create a powerful vision of what you want your subconscious will move you toward it.  In my book 9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You and Your Child  you’ll find a template to get the whole family involved in creating a vision you can start living right now.  

If we are to use this turning point as an opportunity to usher in the Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity we must lovingly and powerfully focus on what we want to create and stop reacting through fear.

Every time you catch fear creeping in, STOP and give these tools a try. *If you find emotional patterns persist and you are unable to shift your focus from fear to desired possibilities, contact me for a free Emotional Empowerment Session.
