Out of the Closet Spin Cycle


Wow! Ever notice how the mind takes and turns and spins something into such a big deal that you avoid it altogether? Well, maybe YOU don’t do that but I do! That’s what’s been happening for years so I am coming out of the spin closet and sharing right now.I have had such resistance to putting myself and my thoughts “out there” on social media… oh I have dribbled and dabbled but it hardly spurts out let alone flows! So here is my way of shifting… JUST DOING IT! Getting it out of the spin cycle in my mind… that spin cycle that can completely take over my life if I let it.Perhaps your resistance isn’t to social media… but I wonder, do you notice your mind building up stories about stuff that is happening in your world… and the stories make you so miserable that they fill your mind and actually taint your world with their poison?I notice that most of what I worry about isn’t really happening at all… it just fills up my life with misery. I also notice that many people worry a lot… that can make for a very miserable life!As Richard Bach says in Illusion, “Life is where you put your attention.” Sometimes I’m not fully aware of where my subconscious attention is going… but I know that this underlying resistance to social media has tainted my world for far too long. There! I said it publicly and now commit to sharing and wondering what resonates with you.“Press the Post button Maggie… and don’t worry about how this is received!”
