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Imagination is more important than knowledge

Imagination Is More Important than Knowledge

Your attempts to give your children the best of everything, may be keeping them from accessing the best within them.

Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Are you giving your child the time and opportunities they need to nuture their imagination? Watch this video to put practical ideas to work immediately to help your child develop their imagination.

"I Shoulda Woulda Coulda Said..."

Look before you leap, think before you speak, plan before you act… sound familiar? It is what we have all been taught and sometimes it is indeed helpful! But what if this deeply ingrained conditioning is what CREATES anxiety and separation between us and others? What if it is what keeps us tied up in knots of perfectionism? What if this prevents us from enjoying the life and connection we seek with others? 

A sense of Belonging is one of the greatest human needs, second only to food and basic survival needs.  Yet we often hold ourselves separate… waiting to be perfect before we connect.

How often have you found yourself thinking… thinking… thinking… about what to say, how to say it, and how it will be received… only to miss the opportunity to say it in social conversation?  Do you ever struggle just to get a word in edge-wise? Or perhaps you’ve been so busy thinking about what you will say and how to say it that you miss what the current speaker is saying and end up blurting out something irrelevant… only to beat yourself up later about how you coulda-woulda- shoulda said it better! What if you could just allow communication to flow easily and naturally?

Conscious Communication Circles provide a safe environment for you to learn to TRUST your ability to listen deeply to others and to think and speak spontaneously.  How it would change your life and relationships if you could connect easily and comfortably in every situation… even if you are put on the spot to address a larger group? There is no way to learn this skill except to practice it!  Conscious Communication Circles are highly interactive and give you lots of practice speaking from your heart and responding to others’ heart-felt sharing in ways that encourage them to share more. Imagine what a difference these skills could make to your relationships and in your life! Check out upcoming events for information on the next Conscious Communication Skills.

Out of the Closet Spin Cycle

Wow! Ever notice how the mind takes and turns and spins something into such a big deal that you avoid it altogether? Well, maybe YOU don’t do that but I do! That’s what’s been happening for years so I am coming out of the spin closet and sharing right now.I have had such resistance to putting myself and my thoughts “out there” on social media… oh I have dribbled and dabbled but it hardly spurts out let alone flows! So here is my way of shifting… JUST DOING IT! Getting it out of the spin cycle in my mind… that spin cycle that can completely take over my life if I let it.Perhaps your resistance isn’t to social media… but I wonder, do you notice your mind building up stories about stuff that is happening in your world… and the stories make you so miserable that they fill your mind and actually taint your world with their poison?I notice that most of what I worry about isn’t really happening at all… it just fills up my life with misery. I also notice that many people worry a lot… that can make for a very miserable life!As Richard Bach says in Illusion, “Life is where you put your attention.” Sometimes I’m not fully aware of where my subconscious attention is going… but I know that this underlying resistance to social media has tainted my world for far too long. There! I said it publicly and now commit to sharing and wondering what resonates with you.“Press the Post button Maggie… and don’t worry about how this is received!”

The Power of Body Language

Have you ever felt at a loss in knowing what to do with your child's acting out behaviors? Have you ever wondered how you can help your child feel better so that he will act better? Body language is one of the most powerful communication tools you can use with your children. Read on to learn how to use it with your child…It can be really hard to know what to do when your child is screaming, crying, throwing things, hitting their head against the wall, or shrinking away into a corner and shutting you out.Inside your own head you may be screaming, "Ahhhh... what do I do to make her stop? What do I say? How can I fix her?" It is a natural parent's response!

We feel it's our duty to change her behavior.  As soon as she senses that you want to change her she will go into resistance... which will create more turmoil, outwardly or inwardly. Either the yelling will increase, or she will shut down and lock it inside.  Either way you both lose.So how can body language help?  What your child needs more than anything else is to feel that you understand her. She needs to feel connected with you.  And body language can be the key to this understanding and connection.One mom shared the story of how learning to use body language as a way of tuning into her daughter eased the emotional turmoil and  transformed their relationship, putting the entire family at greater ease.  "I just did what you said, Maggie... I tried to tune into her through body language. She followed me into the bathroom, protesting incomprehensibly and flailing about on the floor. 

Normally I'd have lectured her and insisted she stop... and usually that made things worse.  So today I figured, what have I got to lose.  I got down there on the floor next to her, felt her tension and tensed up in my own body and said, 'Wow, it's really hard to feel so mad!'  She stopped flailing about, looked right into my eyes, threw her arms around my neck and whispered, 'Thanks Mommy... I love you!' End of temper tantrum. I couldn't believe it could happen so fast!" Connecting with children is so powerful, and body language allows us to empathize and convey our understanding of their feelings quickly and effectively.  And you can use this tool with children of all ages. 

There is a story in 9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You & Your Child of how a Mom of a 14 year old boy used body language to unlock the door to communication that had been shut his entire life.   In fact she was worried that he was depressed and possibly even suicidal.  Once she decided to tune in with her body language and stop trying to fix him, she reported he talked more in one week than he had in the entire 14 years of his life!Try it for yourself.  Earnestly decide you want to understand your child... put correcting aside and strive for empathizing and connecting.  Become aware of your own body language with your child as well as your child's body language. You can do this regardless of the underlying emotion. Feel into how your child is feeling by copying his body language.  Guess at the emotion that is there, give it a name if you can, and let them know you "get" how they are feeling.  Or just be there with them and listen with your whole body, compassionate heart and an open mind. 

When they are acting out know that their behavior is only reflecting very uncomfortable emotions... and they are trying to get them out. That's why they are acting out! They will release their emotions and thereby naturally shift  behavior when they feel heard, understood and accepted... emotions and all!Body language is especially effective when children are pre-verbal or challenged with verbal expression.Here's the other thing... when we connect through body language we are connecting at a subconscious level, for the subconscious runs the body (thankfully... darn! I forgot to keep my heart beating today...) 

You and your child will feel the deeper connection and that will uplift your relationship in so many ways.Try it!  And please leave a comment here and let me know how it goes...