Posts tagged speaking
"I Shoulda Woulda Coulda Said..."

Look before you leap, think before you speak, plan before you act… sound familiar? It is what we have all been taught and sometimes it is indeed helpful! But what if this deeply ingrained conditioning is what CREATES anxiety and separation between us and others? What if it is what keeps us tied up in knots of perfectionism? What if this prevents us from enjoying the life and connection we seek with others? 

A sense of Belonging is one of the greatest human needs, second only to food and basic survival needs.  Yet we often hold ourselves separate… waiting to be perfect before we connect.

How often have you found yourself thinking… thinking… thinking… about what to say, how to say it, and how it will be received… only to miss the opportunity to say it in social conversation?  Do you ever struggle just to get a word in edge-wise? Or perhaps you’ve been so busy thinking about what you will say and how to say it that you miss what the current speaker is saying and end up blurting out something irrelevant… only to beat yourself up later about how you coulda-woulda- shoulda said it better! What if you could just allow communication to flow easily and naturally?

Conscious Communication Circles provide a safe environment for you to learn to TRUST your ability to listen deeply to others and to think and speak spontaneously.  How it would change your life and relationships if you could connect easily and comfortably in every situation… even if you are put on the spot to address a larger group? There is no way to learn this skill except to practice it!  Conscious Communication Circles are highly interactive and give you lots of practice speaking from your heart and responding to others’ heart-felt sharing in ways that encourage them to share more. Imagine what a difference these skills could make to your relationships and in your life! Check out upcoming events for information on the next Conscious Communication Skills.