Posts tagged family
Less Stress, More Fun for Families

Sometimes small changes can bring big results! Practical examples and ideas in this video show you how you can transform a stressful and chaotic family environment to a happier and healthier one. Building in opportunities for your children to run, jump, tumble and play creates quality family time, encourages cooperation and can even increase intelligence.   

When You've Had Enough of Acting-Out Behavior, try this...

Are  your acting out children driving you crazy?  You'll find practical ideas in this video on the fastest and healthiest way to transfrom a screaming, crying and fighting household into peace and harmony.How can you restructure your time and envoronment to bring peace to your family? We welcome your comments, so please share your wisdom below.  Thanks

Use Your Body Language to Transform Unwanted Behaviours in Children and Teens

Body Language speaks louder than words!  Most of us spend so much time trying to get our children to listen to our words that we don’t realize our potential to connect and communicate with our children through our body language.  We also tend to miss the opportunity to help our children release uncomfortable emotions before they turn into unwanted behaviours. WATCH THIS VIDEO and discover how a mom of a teenager and a child care professional use this skill to transform destructive behaviour patterns in the teen and child.